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Updating a star rating
Brianna Lysaith avatar
Written by Brianna Lysaith
Updated over 8 months ago

If a client accidentally gives a candidate the wrong star rating, adjustments can still be made. Here’s how to correct a star rating:

For Clients

  1. Identify the Mistake: Once you realize that an incorrect star rating has been given to a candidate, take note of the details such as the candidate's name and the incorrect rating given.

  2. Contact the Admin Team: Reach out to the admin team and provide the necessary details, including the candidate’s name, the incorrect rating, and the rating you intended to give.

For Admins

  1. Navigate to the Rating Report: Access the rating report from the admin dashboard.

  2. Locate the Candidate: Find the candidate whose rating needs adjustment.

  3. Update the Rating: Once the candidate is located, adjust their star rating to reflect the correct evaluation.

Following these steps ensures that the correct star rating is reflected for the candidate.

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