If ever you’re trying to reach out to your candidates or clients using the chat function on the platform, and it seems to be unresponsive; do not be worried! There’s a simple solution that should put things back to normal. That said, If you do experience any difficulty, please contact the Wolf team.
To have the chat function active again, first ensure that there’s a name attached to every team member on the platform, and not just an email address. If that’s already set, add “/set_chat_session” to your platform’s url. From the dashboard, click on the url, remove /analytics, add “/set_chat_session” and hit enter. Afterward, the chat should be refreshed and loaded without issue.
if your platform’s url is https://exampleplatform.com, you will just want to type in https://exampleplatform.com/set_chat_session to reactivate the chat.