Let's take a look at the Wolf platform, and by extension of course--your platform, at a higher level.
The platform can be thought of as having two parts: the public realm, which can simply be thought of as the part of the platform that is accessible to (you guessed it) the public! Anyone who does not have an account on your platform, or who is not logged in, will be able to see this. The core or root of the platform here is the index page, which again, could simply be thought of as the home page.
It is important to keep in mind that this page could be as simple as a basic sign up page, or be a fully thought out website, with images, copy, additional landing pages, and so on.
From here, we move into the authenticated, or platform realm. Authenticated here means when a user has created an account and is entering into the platform. This could be a new user, who did not previously have an account and will go through either candidate or client onboarding before reaching the respective platform, or an existing user, who will sign in and enter directly to the platform.
Remember that a new user cannot sign up to be an admin--only an existing admin can add another new admin to the platform.
Below is a video that walks through this for the more visual among us out there!