Self hire is when you send notifications to candidates at a pre-determined interval and allow the candidate to hire themselves.
Auto hire is when you send notifications to limited group, wait a while and then hire the best candidate automatically or you can do it manually.
Self hire is first come first serve.
Auto hire is the best served first.
Self hire worked well when it was hard to reach candidates. They had to share their availability and accept the shift at the same time. With the mobile connected world. Auto hire has become a promising alternative.
Which option is better depends on your goal as a company? Do you want to optimize for the convenience of the candidate or to ensure your client gets the best candidate available.
If your goal is to ensure best candidate for your client, Auto hire is a way to go. Self hire gives preference to who comes first. Who is available and free first to take the shift. Auto hire waits intelligently for the right amount of time and gives the preference to the candidate with the best merit.
However, with auto hire your candidates will have to wait after making themselves available for the shifts to be accepted. But if you ask your clients, the clients happiness and satisfaction is much higher with Auto hire.
Choose wisely.