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The importance of Segment
The importance of Segment

What is Segment and why it is important to set up.

Ash avatar
Written by Ash
Updated over 2 years ago

Having all your information in one single space is key part of ensuring your business is as efficient and as organized as it can possibly be. At Wolf, we know that we are experts in staffing, but for other areas, such as analytics or email marketing, there are many other softwares out there that are experts in these areas. That's why we recommend using Segment to integrate your platform with all the other platforms you need to make your Wolf staffing platform as robust as possible.

Take a look here for our recommendations of what to integrate with your platform and here is a full list of what you can integrate your platform with using Segment. They also have many video tutorials that can be found here.

The applications of Segment are limitless, you can automate on-boarding emails for your new clients or candidates (more on on-boarding candidates here), create a Facebook ad campaign targeting specific visitors of your platform, process the analytics of everyone that visits your platform, chat with your users, the list goes on and on.

Steps to set up Segment:

  1. Create an account on Segment.

  2. Create Workplace

  3. Add Source (Create new source)

    1. Select Javascript/Website source

    2. Give it a name: "Wolf Platform"

  4. Click on: "Add segment to your site"

  5. Copy Segment key (Look for a line like this) analytics.load("TspXIbFLfSHIBgk9KjzNjLMP7eSUPedE");

  6. Copy: TspXIbFLfSHIBgk9KjzNjLMP7eSUPedE

  7. Login to your Wolf platform

  8. Click on Configurations

  9. Platform setup

  10. Integrations

  11. Segment

  12. Paste the key copied above.

  13. Click enable integration.

To Test the integration:

  1. Take some actions as end user (Worker or client) on your Wolf platform:

    1. Example:

      1. Go to a worker profile

      2. Click on view jobs

      3. Click on upcoming schedule.

      4. Edit Profile

  2. Go to Segment

  3. Go to your workplace

  4. Click on Sources

  5. Select Source: "Javascript source" / "Wolf Platform"

  6. Click on Debugger (Should be somewhere on the screen where source is mentioned)

  7. You should be able to view the activities taken by the test end user there.

Now that you have connected your platform to Segment, you are all ready to browse through Segment's wide catalog of integrations and connect all of the softwares you need to process and react to the data coming in through your platform.

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