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Throttle visibility on notifications
Throttle visibility on notifications
Eve Jaffe avatar
Written by Eve Jaffe
Updated over 4 years ago

We know that hidden vs. default affects if job orders are visible outside the platform. But what can you as the admin do if you do not want every authorized and interested candidate inside the platform to be able to see every job order?

For example, say you have a job order and need just one candidate in a month’s time, but there are 600 people who are authorized and interested in the job - who can see the job order? Well, the default is that all 600 would be able to see the job order and apply, unless you throttle or inhibit the visibility for that job order on the notifications. This means that only those candidates who are notified for a job order will be able to see it.

Because notifications are sent out in batches, this might mean that 3 candidates could see the job one day after it is posted, then once the next batch has gone out to another 5 candidates, 8 candidates in total would be able to see it, and so on and so forth.

Now, let’s take this even one step further--returning to our first example, what if it’s not just that you don’t want all of your 600 candidates to be able to see the job at once, since you only need one person, but that you actually only want one specific candidate to see the job point blank.

First, you should make sure that the visibility is set to hidden. Remember, this will ensure the job order is not found outside the platform, such as on search engines. Next, enter the candidate or candidates who you wish to be the only ones to see the order in the box labeled Preferred candidates for this job. Then, under the section titled Assigning Candidates, select Only Preferred Candidate which means that only preferred candidates that you added will be notified for the job order. With throttle visibility switched on, that means only the preferred candidates will be able to view the job as well.

However, you could also leave the Preferred candidates for this job section blank, and nobody will be notified--this is a good option if your job order is not set to begin for a long time.

If you would like to throttle the visibility on notifications, please let us know so that we can activate this function for you.

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